Worship Times and Places


If you are thinking about visiting the United Parish of Upper Nidderdale for the first time, you are especially welcome. Please make yourself known to us.




Holy Week Services 2025

Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday 24th March 2024 and ends on Easter Sunday. The Holy Week story of Jesus’ journey to the Cross and resurrection, is at the heart of the Christian faith.

Through the week, we journey with Jesus, seeking to grow in our understanding of all that he went through. Participating in this is a spiritual, moving and life-affirming experience that will strengthen your faith or even bring you to start your own faith journey for the first time.

We very much look forward to welcoming you and hope that your encounter with Jesus at this holy time will enable you to encounter God wherever you are in your faith. 

Palm Sunday 13th April

On Palm Sunday Jesus arrived in Jerusalem to crowds and cheers. His triumphant entry into Jerusalem has been celebrated on the Sunday before Easter since the first centuries of Christianity. The crowds waved palm branches and covered his path with them. We remember this with crosses made from palm leaves.

9.00am Holy Communion at St Michael & All Angels, Wilsill

9.00am Morning Prayer at St Mary the Virgin, Ramsgill

10.30am Family Eucharist at St Cuthbert’s, Pateley Bridge

During Holy Week

Monday 14th April 10.00am Holy Communion at Bewerley Grange Chapel

Tuesday 15th April 10.00am Holy Communion at Bewerley Grange Chapel

Wednesday 16th April 10.00am Holy Communion at Bewerley Grange Chapel

Maundy Thursday 17th April

Maundy Thursday is the day when we remember Jesus sharing the Last Supper with his disciples before his death. Its name comes from the Latin word mandare meaning to command. We remember Jesus’ command: ‘Love one another as I have loved you’.  At the conclusion of the service, the altar is stripped, symbolic of Jesus being stripped.

6.00 pm Bewerley Grange Chapel
Holy Communion stripping of the altar, followed by a vigil.

Good Friday 18th April

Good Friday is the day when Christians remember the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. It is a sombre day. We meet to pray and reflect on the sacrifice Jesus willingly, freely gave for each of us.

11.00 am Walk of Witness (Outside St Cuthbert’s, Pateley Bridge)

We gather with the other Christian denominations as the Church in the Dale to walk together from the the steps of St Cuthbert’s church, Pateley Bridge through the High Street. We do this to remember that Jesus had to carry his cross publicly through the streets of Jerusalem. It is a public statement of our faith, a retelling of the crucifixion story and a reminder of Jesus’ words ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.’ We stop outside various sites for readings and to sing hymns.

1.00 pm Bewerley Grange Chapel
A special service, interspersed with hymns played on the organ, and the opportunity for individual prayer at the cross. Led by Bishop Stephen Race (Bishop of Beverley)

Holy Saturday 19th April 

7.00 pm – Easter Eve Vigil (Watching and Waiting) Bewerley Grange Chapel

This quiet, reflective service is a space through which we can hold in tension the deep sense of loss, failure and hopelessness of the followers of Christ with our hope of His resurrection and glory.

Where we encounter emptiness and the absence of God we need to be reminded of the unbounded salvation that God offers.

We live in the tension of Holy Saturday; bereft yet hopeful; abandoned yet faithful.

Easter Day – Sunday 20th April

At Christmas we traditionally hear the words from St John’s prologue read in which he proclaims that the ‘Light of the World has come amongst us, a light that no darkness can ever put out.’ The events of Holy Week lead up to the point where people tried to extinguish the Light of the World when they crucified Jesus. We invite you to join us as we celebrate and proclaim afresh that Jesus is not dead! He is risen, he is the light that no darkness can ever put out. Join us for our Easter celebrations.

9.00am Holy Communion at Bewerley Grange Chapel

10.30 am Family Eucharist at St Cuthbert’s, Pateley Bridge

2.30pm Family Easter Service at St Chad’s, Middlesmoor

6.00pm Easter Hymns on the Hill at St Mary the Virgin, Greenhow Hill


St Cuthbert's, Pateley Bridge

10:30am Family Eucharist - Weekly

popular service with hymns (led by our choir), sermon and prayers. The first Sunday of the month is usually an all age, shorter service with a drama sketch rather than a sermon.


St Michael and All Angels, Wilsill

9.00am Holy Communion - 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month
A popular service with sermon, using the traditional English language of the Book of Common Prayer 1662


St Mary the Virgin, Ramsgill

9.00am Mattins - Usually the 2nd Sunday of the month but please check with the Vicar before attending
This friendly Morning Prayer Service is usually led by our Lay Worship Leader, Gordon Murdoch. 


Bewerley Grange Chapel

9.00am Holy Communion - 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month
A popular service with sermon and hymns, using the traditional English language of the Book of Common Prayer 1662


St Mary's, Greenhow Hill

6:00pm Celtic Eucharist - 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month (January, February and March Services will be held at Wilsill)
A service based on the Celtic Tradition with hymns. This friendly service is usually followed by Coffee and Cake.


St Chad's, Middlesmoor



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