United Reformed Church, Providence Chapel, Dacre


Providence United Reformed Church, Dacre, opened on 25th September 1827 as a Congregational Church and joined the new United Reformed Church (URC) in 1972. After 1984, Providence URC welcomed former members of Salem URC Pateley Bridge when it closed. It is now the only United Reformed Church in Nidderdale. 

Providence URC has always served the farming families who have worked in the area for generations. Now we also serve retired and townspeople who have come to live in the Dale. The graveyard is a testimony to the deep roots of this community. 

Today the people of Providence continue to meet for Christian worship and service in a community undergoing great social and economic changes. You can be sure of a friendly, warm welcome when you join us for Sunday worship at 9.30am. 




Jean Marshall 

01423 781313

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